Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Up Next: Peru

We have a lot to get caught up on. While Ecuador was my favorite country so far, it had the worst Internet access of the bunch (ever used Gmail with the ¨basic HTML¨ interface?).

We´re currently in a hostel in Lima, Peru. We´ll be in Peru for about 10 days if we don´t change our ticket to spend more than 3 days in Santiago, Chile. We originally had left so much time for Peru to try to do the 4 day Macchu Picchu trek, but it turns out it will probably be too hard to get on that list and we´ll do just one day there (after a 22-hour busride. By the way, new rule- if buses are cheap enough, we´re buying the seats in front of us so the people can´t recline).

1 comment:

Alana said...

um yeah gotta learn the best bus ettiquette, o sea donde debes sentarte para evitar la majaridad de las cosas malas.
all i can say is at least in the front you wont have scary argentines looking at you while you sleep, or touching your head periodically... or inviting you to sit with them in the back, or obnoxiously making out with their girlfriends but continuously looking to make sure you re watching.. talk about creepwads. i have tons of fun buys stories, lets share sometime :P