Monday, January 22, 2007

5 reasons to travel with your girlfriend

Hey everyone Ryan here. Vanessa´s been doing everything so far, but I´d like to make the occasional post as well.

1. Beats the heck out of traveling by yourself.

2. Automatic dinner date whenever you want. I would say dance partner but to Vanessa´s sobs I haven´t had the courage to do so yet.

3. Easier to meet people when traveling with an attractive girl. Girls are less likely to think you´re hitting on them, guys simply like being in the company of females.

4. Splitting a room means you get a nicer place that often ends up being cheaper than per person places.

5. Vanessa is great to travel with.


Unknown said...

I'm sure you will, but just a reminder to take care of her! Have fun you guys-

Anonymous said...

haha love this post...hope you safe V

Anonymous said...

Ah I am so jealous of you two!!!!! I love smart, attractive econ couples. They're just the best. ;-)


PS You don't have to get me that sexy Argentinian boy anymore, V. I have my own sexy Indian boy again, haha! Keep posting lovely pictures Vanessa!!