Thursday, January 11, 2007

Tikal- Mayan Ruins

So after a horrible 8 hour bus ride and a semi-sketchy taxi ride, we arrived at Tikal Inn at like 6am. After taking our first shower in like two days, we crashed until about 1pm. We woke up to a rainy day and ventured out to the ruins after lunch. The ruins were absolutely amazing --though the Katamungas (I forget their name exactly--little anteater/raccoon like animals) were at the top of our list. They are creatures of much character and travel in packs. There are a lot of mosquitos here so I'm very thankful for the malaria meds right now.
The ruins...we were able to hit all of the major ruins. The most incredible experience was probably climbing the 90 steps --almost straight up like a ladder, mind you-- to the top of Templo V. The view of the other ruins and of the mist coming up off the forest was out of this world. It was neat to touch the building and walk the ground around them knowing they have stood there for centuries and that a people we will never totally know walked there before us. I had just enough juice in my videocamera left o take a short movie of the view up there.


Alana said...

in iguazu they are called maipus i think! haha stupid things, they are mean and steal food!
ps i am jealous. love you

Unknown said...

Auntie and I are so happy for you! This is going to be awesome, and we get to almost experience it with you-woa
You may not know this, but I was a geeky kid (ok, youknew that) and I used to read everything I could about the Mayans and dream (still) of going to see the ruins (and maybe diveinone of those death/sinkholes they have). we love you!

Lynne said...

Great shots of Tikal. I studied all about that area in my art history classes. Definetly on my some day to see list. I like those critters, maybe Peeps could train one to ride on the fork lift with Midget!

Unknown said...

WOW!! Looks like you are having a great time. Glad you guys have the opportunity to make this trip. Wish I was there. I saw something like those creatures at night when we were deer hunting in southern AZ (way back when I was pregnant with Levi). Scared the bejeebers outta me.

I know you are not posting all of your pictures, but excited to see/hear about all of them. Much love to you both!

Anonymous said...

Yo Bucky! What a trip, I'm so excited for you to be doing this, but you've always been a winner!
Bugs that bite? send them to Meeker we can freeze them it was 24 below last night!
Enjoy Enjoy, I'm glad Susie sent me this address, so that I can follow along, I love You!