Monday, April 30, 2007

Tierra Santa... HALLELUJAH!

So this is by far the WEIRDEST place I have been to in my travels. This lovely place we call Jesus Land is located in Belgrano, Buenos Aires. If you have ever been to the rennaisance festival, it's kind of like that...except about the life and times of Jesus. If it seems nuts..that's because it is.

You can't see us too well, but that's me, amanda and jess.

The glorious entrance to glorious Tierra Santa.

Me and my homie shepherd.

This is the resurrection of Jesus...he's HUGE.

If this just isn't enough here is a lovely video we took of the resurrection and Jess' sweet dance she added to it.

1 comment:

Alana said...

hahahaha oh blasphemy. love it