Sunday, April 01, 2007


I ran across this picture today of Ryan and me with Arizona Corporation Commissioner Kris Mayes at her swearing in. It got me thinking, yet again, about how important the job as a commissioner is and how much they affect the daily lives of EVERY Arizonan. Don't feel bad if you have NO idea what I'm talking about...the only way I came to know more about this government body was by working as an intern for Kris last summer.

Among the many things the commissioners do, they regulate the electric, water, and waste managament utilities of our state. This means that when you turn your lights on, the commission has helped regulate how much you pay for the electricity you're using.

Another important fact that most people don't know is that the commissioners are VOTED in aka you have the power to deicide who is in this powerful, yet overlooked position.

This is the ACC website.

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