Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A day in the life...

In the morning I wake up, check my email, have a cup of joe and chat with this fool:

While we look out from the balcony at this:

I go to school from 1-3pm and on the way back get dropped off in Plaza Serrano to have a bite to eat and use my laptop. For the average price of a Starbucks (about 4 bucks) I can have a water, a sandwich, and a coffee. At Bar Abierto is where I do my blogging:

While blogging, I am kept company by this little fella:

At night I hang out with these rejects (Ignacio the Porteno digs us gringos):

After a few drinks I do really awesome things like this:

Then I get home at about 4 on an early night (late nights the avg person gets home at about 8/9 am) and hit the sack.

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