Monday, April 30, 2007

Still workin' on Amanda's checklist: San Telmo Fair

Thankfully for me, my friend Amanda has decided to get motivated and make a list of all of the things she needs to see in Buenos Aires before leaving (in two weeks, boooo). This adventure, and that of the classy Tierra Santa, can now be scratched off. (San Telmo's fair, while it has lovely trinkets and antiques, is also a bit of a freakshow much like Tierra Santa).

Getting blown away by an imaginary wind while standing still...

You can't tell, but the one of the bottom was shorter than me and the guy on top was HUGE.

I hope when I am this age I am this in love. These two heard the tango music and had to put down their things to stop and dance together.

These two were the sweetest pair ever. We talked with them for a while and they gave us a deal on a bracelet for Amanda. They were just such warm people. The gave us each a kiss on the cheek and told us to take care of ourselves. The old man asked me to invite him to Arizona so he could see a real cowboy.

Finishing off the day with a beer. (We didn't take a shot of how we REALLY finished off the day right after this...with ice cream).

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